Did you know that burning 3500 calories is required to lose a single pound of fa…

Did you know that burning 3500 calories is required to lose a single pound of fat? . Sounds like wayyy too much . After all even after an intense workout out you usually only burn 600-800 calories (if you are working your ass off). . So how does anyone accomplish fat loss? . The key is that we need to change your mindset. – It is human nature to look for a ‘quick fix’ but as with most things in life there is not going to be one. The only solution is persistent hard work (sorry to burst your bubble ) . Introducing the 500 calories per day principle…. . Burning 500 calories per day is a much more achievable goal. If you can accomplish this via exercise every single day then you would be on track to burn 1 pound of fat per week. . It seems like a lot of work to only burn 1 pound huh? Keep in mind that this doesn’t take into account diet (which is much more important for fat loss). – Now let’s apply the same principals to our diet: . Take a look at your current diet plan and make some healthy swaps to limit your calories. (IE Sparkling Water instead of Soda). If you can cut 500 calories/day (which is very feasible) then that would be another pound of fat loss per week. . Building habits and routines that implement these rules will put you on track to lose over 100 pounds of fat in a single year! Crazy what a little change in perspective can do huh? – Think about the bigger picture and make a realistic plan for you crush your goals. – Do you think you could manage this? credit@ nutritiional #gymmotivation #fatloss #instafit #workout #motivation #muscle #bodybuilding #fitmotivation #gains #transformation #fitfamily #transformationtuesday #lifting #igfit #fitlifestyle #gymshark #fitfam #tricep #abs #fitspiration #fitness #fitnessfam #fitnesstransformation #fit #weights #bodybuildingwhere #soy #soyfree #vegan #youtubers

Source by anmolkaur15



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